Zen and the Art of Perception

Why would I call it an art? I guess because perception is self-limiting. It is like any decision we make, we are actually eliminating half our choices with each decision. And yet humans love decisions, it means they do not have to think about it anymore, they can conveniently stuff it deep down in the back of their minds and relegate it to judgement calls already made and no longer have to be thought about; it comes with a life to complex to keep up with.
There is our biggest mistake, for humans have this subtle ability to actualize what they wish for, never realizing it comes with consequences; thoughts are like genetics, they become inbred and bloated on their own significance and that is the definition of Ego or vanity.

Zen's purpose is the shattering of the logical framework of conceptual thought; it is the latter that prevents us from seeing truths in their real light. For humanity thinks in exclusive patterns that make things easier to comprehend.

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