
My parents were both engineers and force fed me science from an early age. I did not read comic books; I read Scientific American and Popular Mechanics. I have had a very successful career as a Software Engineer and am well versed in most sciences.

My father, Marcus A. McCoy, had 13 patents in his name. I do not think he made anything but a job off of any of his patents; kind of like my career and all the start-ups I was involved in, I got cheated of of my stock options every time. Only the last patent his Plasma Arc belonged to him. As a kid I played with it exploding electrons into plasma like a fire cracker. He later told me that he was trying to create an over-unity device. Seems the more power he put into it the greater amount of plasma it released. When he died he had tons of very large capacitors stacked behind his house; over 5,000 lbs of lead was sold to the Chinese. Now his plasma-arc is being used used for waste disposal and for releasing large amounts of static electrical build up; like on the tail of the Space Shuttle.
When I was 10 years old we did a science project for my 6th grade class, building a Van de Graaff generater, it was a real shocker in my class. Grammar school was a difficult time for me, it took 20 years to get over the trauma of the public school system and being forced early on to study science.

I joined the US Navy at 18 and became a photographer. I served 4 years in the Viet Name era to avoid force servitude in the jungles of Viet Name. Afterwards I used my Veterans benefits to earne a degree in Psychology. Upon graduation I became a California Highway Patrol Officer and quickly leared that was not the job for me. So I then began a career as a Software Engineer in 3D graphics, Business applications, Industrial Control, Robotics, Motion Control, Spy and Monitoring software, VOIP, Military Communications and Anti-Malware software; specializing in Graphical Interfaces and telecommunications. It was that last one that I was part of a group that had been acquired to hack discretely for the Feds; I do not want to be an enemy combatant to any group of liars. For I believe as Zarathustra, that truth and lies equate to good and evil. 

I have been an avid reader all my life in all genres, preferring things of an esoteric nature

I am now retired. I have little to think about except all the bullshit that humanity pushes as absolute truth. Fortunately for me I have the greatest research tool ever invented, the Internet.I have developed software on every version of Windows ever published and know tricks that few know about anymore and yet all that knowledge is turning into background noise as I focus on much larger issues than a simple piece of code.

Squirrel Creek Hole 9
Squirrel Creek Hole 9
I do get a chance to get out and play a game I love, Disc Golf.So if you are ever playing at Squirrel Creek in Condom Park Grass Valley California. Please do say hi if you see me.

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