
Conserving ones environment is the same as conserving ones money. Being a conservative should be a way of life, not a political party you join and subsequently a set of ideals you adopt.But that is how environmentalism is being used, as a political hot potato. How can they predict the temperature when they cannot even predict the weather next week accurately.

Al Gore in his fear mongering has predicted 600 foot ocean level increases. LMAO where did this dufus get his degree? Probably some rich boys school where grades where bought and paid for not eared. There is not that much ice in the antarctic. If you melted all the ice there it would not even raise the oceans a foot. Here is why! Ice is the only molecule that gets smaller as it gets warmer. Since most the ice in the antarctic is underwater, melting it would actually lower ocean levels. But telling the truth does not get you money contributions.

Do not get me wrong there are environmental problems and most of those stem not from what we do but how many of us do it. If you want to do something about environmental problems you need to control population! But that is not going to happen anything soon and here is why. It has to do with economic systems, which if not growing are seem as failing and the only way to keep the worlds economies growing is by keeping the populations growing; our economic system is a pyramid scheme.
In the 1970 Americas population saw this as the environmental problem and so families limited their children to 2. Well that was terrible for our economy and so what did the politicians do, they sold out America and open our borders up and increased immigration. So much for our environment; Politicians sold the environment out for the bogus oh mighty dollar. They wanted to be the ones with the most toys when they die.

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