Thursday, July 30, 2015

Just like that

I am giving up on the medical professionals. yesterday I visited with my new neurologist, omg they are getting worse. she immediately started digging at me and interrupting my every answer, at one point I said, you know if you do not want to listen to the answers then do not ask the questions, to which she said, you are not answering my questions! I was dumb founded when I said, yes I was to which she replied like a two year old or an emotional unstable nervous wreck lesbian wanting to release upon all of humanity, all the anger and pain that has built all her life and brought her to the point of boiling over, dressing and acting like the thing she hates most, MEN.
so she then asked me if I use narcotics to which I replied no, and so she then said, why does it show in your last blood test. To which I replied, I have no idea. she then said, oh how then did it get there, by itself, I do not think so. I tried to explain the hacking of my medical records and she dised that entirely as a figment of my imagination, not letting me finish.
at that point when she gave me a sobriety test I decided to give up on this asshole, her sarcasm just got worse and finally I stopped answering her questions. she got my response and said, just like that? and so I replied, yep just like that and that is how I left her office, just like that.