
It is a miracle that curiosity survives a formal education.

In order to form an immaculate member of a flock of sheep one must, above all, be a sheep.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Perfection of means and confusion of ends seems to characterize our age.

To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.  
Albert Einstein

My father used to laugh at some of  the funny theories of Einstein; the most ludicrous residing within Relativity. The Universe stands for everything and everything cannot expand into itself, for that would not be an expansion.  There would have to be something else to expand into, beyond three dimensional space. And since we would be expanding it to it, it would have to be bigger than 3d space, so we would have to redefine Universal to mean less than half of everything.

I have developed 3d graphics for many years and I have developed a pretty good ability to visualize in 3d. If you are expanding all three dimensions of space, it would include all the space that mass inhabits. So you would never notice any space difference between two objects; for everything scales. Yet that is what Einstein saw that led him to conclude that all of 3D space was expanding.This negates Einsteins explanation for Red-Light-Shift.

It is easy to prove this wrong with a simple graphing out of a path a laser takes when traveling from the Earth to the Moon. First you need to understand the movement Earth undergoes. We spin, counterclockwise. We rotate around the sun counterclockwise. The solar system spins clockwise around the Milky Way. And the Milky Way travels around a super galactic spin. In all we are traveling at a rate of over 700 miles per second. So if you pointed a laser at the moon, it would take over a second to get there. In that second the point of origin as well as the point of destination would have moved over 700 miles away from where they were. So the light would not be traveling in a straight line, it would be curved in 4 different directions. It would still appear as straight to us on Earth because we would be traveling with the same momentum as the light. You could say light travels in a line of momentum.

The odd thing about time is its speed; humans attention to its passage seems to slow our experience of it down.
Time is a symbolic we created to measure the movement of mass through space. As such it really does not exist beyond the imagination of men. Because it is a symbolic we use to measure the movement of mass, when time does pass it means all the mass in the entire universe has been displaced. Empowering man to displace time empowers man beyond the powers of gods. Even the god could not move Earth; for when you do displace time, you displace the entire mass of the universe.
If you could time travel and you wanted to remain on this rock you would also have to space travel for this rock is not going to be here when you change your experience of the NOW; for there is only NOW. Zen loves that Koan.

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