The Law of Three

Three can be found everywhere.

The father, the son and the holy ghost, although I am not sure that classical Christianity's understanding matches numerology or science.

The Yin and the Yang, I always though represented duality and it still does but then I noticed three in that ancient drawing. For outside the mingling of the two dualities lies a circle encircling them both and that is their equilibrium. More science from the past?
Even classical chemistry relies on 3 for an explanation for chemical bonding; a negative charge matches a positive charge and their equilibrium is their neutrality.

The "Trimūrti", the three forms of god. is a concept in Hinduism, in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the maintainer or preserver and Shiva the destroyer or transformer. These three gods have been called "the Hindu triad"or the "Great Trinity". Just like the 3 states of an object in OOP: Creation, Execution, and Destruction. Not to mention Gurdjieff's 3 brained humans. This picture even has one head with 2 extras attached visibly showing the three brains.

OPP ( Object Oriented Programming ) is one of the great advances in software programming techniques that has allowed large teams to devide tasks into smaller objects, allowing for greater analysis and cooperation between programmers. Primary in this technique are the 3 states an object finds itself in. Creation, execution and destruction; the duality here being creation and destruction and their equilibrium is their execution or function. The life we live is our equilibrium and therefor is the primary determination at destruction time on how our resources are returned to the system.
The human personality is a very complex object to break down and understand its desires and needs. All of that is determined by the interaction between our object or personality and all the other objects we interact with. Only one thing is for certain and that life is change, without change there would be no life. Even genetics requires maintenance by constant change else it becomes inbred and bloated on its own significance. Kind of like politicians.

What is spiritual produces what is scientific and when science is used to disprove the spiritual, it's always done with the intent to do so; a personal contempt. Today's science is washed-out and scrubbed-down and robbed of everything mystical and spiritual, a knowledge born of contempt and discontent.

Heretics are the only bitter remedy against the entropy of human thought.

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