Very Ancient Archeology

The more that I look at these photos I am thinking to myself where are the foot prints; pretty good fake, but I now think its fake because of a lack of foot prints around what is probably stuck vehicles. These vehicles left no tread marks either and they were in deep.

Can you imagine living among all those lizards life must have been awful hard 6 million years ago.

Maybe it was not as hard as you would imagine. It is believed that something in the air was made them bigger; the oxygen perhaps. Well it appears to have made these atomically correct modern men larger also, except they were much larger, their feet are size 16ings. Too large to interbreed with Neanderthals for the larger baby for the smaller female would probably kill her during child delivery. As for the larger female being taken by a smaller male, she could probably kick his butt.

Then there are the Bosnian Pyramids.

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