
There are three types of memory not two, like I was taught in school. The two types being short term, which is electrical and long term, which is chemical. The third type I noticed when I suffered a concussion that wiped out short term memory and yet I had memories of the last 5 to 10 seconds before the accident. So there sensory data still in the pipe line, yet to be combined into one unified memory and stored ion short term as an electrical memory; are these memories not electrical? if so then why did they not get destroyed with the concussion that wiped out all of short term memory? So there has to be someplace that combined all sensory data into electrical. When memories are moved from short term into long term, all the linkages have to also been initialized, it is not just a simple conversion from electrical to chemical, it has to properly be linked in; or does it? That is the software engineer in me trying to tie it together, where in the human brain all associated memories occur almost simultaneously. Which has led me to believe that when a search one does not traverse linkages; it probably excretes a chemical that has a genetic pattern it is searching for and from out of the folds matching chemical memories show themselves, with no linkage or knowledge of where or how to get to them.
We also know that conscious thought is electrical and so when doing a search the electrical has to first be translated into a chemical key for the search; although the electrical protocol can be used in short term memory. It must be hard code to write, when you have two different types of memories to search for in two different locations.The hits seem to come back asynchronously while working in parallel.
In fact this may give us a clue how to build a better database; for the human brain cannot be constructed like computers. In computers you need a link to get to the data; in other words all data has to be linked in to be able to search it. The human brain cannot function this way for the amount of data is too large. Instead I see the data in our brain find the search not the search finding the data. But how could it do that. I believe once the brain has translated the search into a chemical it then is secreted in the brain causing all like memories to poke their heads out of their fold and say hi to the search.

The human brain seems to be a redundant system, with duplicate systems residing in each hemisphere. They communicate through an intricate connection via the cortex.

The personality or behavior of an individual can be best described by Gurdjieff 3 brained beings; logical, emotional and instinctual. Controlling oneself consists of learning how to not allow  anyone of those 3 centers to monopolize the personality.

But in a strange way humans have the ability to materialize their worst fears. Leading one to believe that the safest approach to life is to avoid thinking about things you do not want to have happen to you.

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