John Keely

Every student of occultism knows that sound is one of the most formidable of occult powers. Mr. Keely is on the threshold of one of the greatest secrets of the universe; a secret upon which depends the whole mystery of physical forces. When men like Mr. Keely are born, endowed with special mental powers, they become martyrs of their discoveries, or victims of less scrupulous speculations. The discovery of Mr. Keely comes before its proper time. It will never truly take its place in the cyclic evolution of humanity until the threatening tide of capitalistic monopoly shall have ebbed. When such a thing as unjustly paid labor exists and only when the cry of famine ceases to be heard in the world, then the discovery of Mr. Keely ceases to be an anachronism, because then the poor will have more use for it than the rich.  
Madam Blavatsky  
The Secret Doctrine 1888 
Board member of Keely Motorcar Company

No man who is working on these lines, with such instruments, is a fraud. I thought Keely was working, as I am, with electrical machines and wires. I had no idea of these wonderful instruments.
Henri Hertz,
1889 First to verify the existence of EMF Waves

At an early age John Keely was a prodigy with a violin. In 1875 he started the Keely Motorcar Company to build combustion engines that used water for fuel. Prior to that he had been working on a new steam engine and notice at a certain temperature that the pressure increased 200 foot pounds. What he had discovered we now know as the Water Hammer affect that people hear when they turn water pipes on of off; they bang. Changing the pressure caused the water to explode, separating the oxygen molecule from the hydrogen. The Navy knows it as Cavitation; they are very familiar with exploding water because their ships propellers can be heard a long way off as propellers compress water as they push the ship. In physics the affect is known as sonoluminescence, more than fifty years before that link says it was discovered.John Keely called his engine a HydroVacuo Engine; an extremely efficient, low torque engine that needs pure water to run.

I will not go into great detail for those links are pretty complete. But John Keely's engine was an engineering marvel. It was built similar to the gasoline combustion engines that drive our cars, except it had no need for a spark plug, because it used the cylinder stroke to compress the water thus producing the explosion. One of the most amazing aspects of this engine was its carburetor, that had no moving parts. It was shaped like an old fashion light bulb with a thin tube pointing up into the middle of the bulb where it released the water into the large cavity, that caused the water to vaporize. Then the water vapor was forced down the neck of the bulb where it was compressed and then funneled into the cylinder through the intake valves. The problem he spend ten years trying to fix; the engine would run for fifteen minutes before it would reverse direction and blow up. His stock holders got impatient and took him to court trying to force him to turn the technology over to someone else to complete. Of course he said no and subsequently was jailed. Upon release he destroyed most the work he had down on the engine. One engine did survive and lived for many years in a Philadelphia museum, until it was stolen a few years back.

One of the board members was a little unknown personality Madam Blavatsky, who was so taken by his gifts that when she became a famous Occult writer, she wrote her most famous book about the things she had learned from him; The Secret Doctrine.

John Keely by this time had discovered greater truths that he wished to explore and like so many geniuses he simply walked away and moved on to examining what he would later describe as Sympathetic Vibrations. This is where he started producing technology that appears to most as magic; for they did not understand the true power of sound.

He developed technology that science still does not understand and refutes at every turn of the road. He discovered that everything has a resonance and if you can find that resonance you can disintegrate it. He built a disintegrater for a mining company that took quarts containing gold and disintegrated the quartz but left the gold intact. They were amazed and wanted another but he was so busy working on other technology that he never completed the second integrator.
He had moved on to a microscope that apparently saw down into the working of molecules; He described in details viewing what we now know as the electrons and their nucleus. But it saw even deeper than that; he took it down to nine levels below what our current Electron Microscopes can view at and it did not cause electrons to change their position. It was a pinhole affect that he projected up on a wall. I have few if any other details of this microscope but I believe he was stacking the pinhole affects, one upon another; or possibly he took the output from lenses and then magnified it up on a wall for greater detail. I do not know how many he stacked, but I suspect at least three if not more. The pinhole is unlike photography, that changes light into a different medium and resolution; it remains light in its infinitely little detail where it again can be expanded to show more detail over and over.

He was also working on a flying machine. In the 1990's before the Wright Brothers made their famous flight, he is said to have demonstrated his machine to the Washington DC press and the military, claiming it would be an excellent replacement for military observation balloons. Before he started any of the experiments of this type he would pull out a sound instrument and play a note B-FLAT. When asked why, he would respond, that he needed to align the material so it would function correctly. They laughed at him for they did not believe that sound could changed the atomic structure of the metals he was working with.

Superconductivity was not discovered until twelve years after John Keely was killed in New York city on his was to a technology convention. Superconductivity is misnamed and misunderstood by current science. It is a state of matter they fail to fully understand. It should be named aligned matter for it functions similar to magnetized ferrites. When a ferrite is not magnetized its atoms are not aligned North to South. When placed next to a magnetized Ferrite the force field of the magnetized ferrite will eventually rearrange the alignment of the non-magnetized ferrite forcing its atoms into alignment. So it is not a stretch of imagination that if a force field can change alignment in fact it is highly probable that sound can perform the same function.
Superconductivity was examined a few years back at White Sands and it was discovered that when semiconductors are taken down to their superconducting temperature that the atoms are in North to South alignment; near absolute zero.

The only problem is how to make a room temperature superconductor. John Keely smelted his own metals, he said it required pure material to be on the same resonance. He had his forge in his basement, not the place for a air consuming fire forge; he has a reason for having it down there. It was sound proof. When metals are hardening they are subject to the noise in their environment and so take on a structure that reflects that sound. He found that even the sound he made while working in the forge altered the perfection of the materials he was trying to produce. Eventually he discovered that he could control the sound by invading its environment with a loud sound that would cancel out the sound of him; he used B-FLAT. So when he started his demonstration he would play B-FLAT and the metal would resonate and aline its atomic structure, producing a room temperature superconducting metal.

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