Wednesday, September 9, 2015

3D math proves that Relativity is a cock and bull story

The math is real simple.When observing distance object they noticed the red light shift and ya the further they were the more red light that would be shifted. You do not need a curved universe to prove that no light ever goes in a straight line. That proof is here.
3d math proves that if all f 3d space were expanding, you would never notice any difference in the space between any two objects for everything scales as it expands..
Take a universe that is 4 click wide, and it has two objects each 1 click wide and spaced perfectly

 If you were to double everything in this universe, the distance between the two object would be zero. If you were to calculate the distance between the two beginning as zero, it would end as zero, zero times anything is still zero.
Even the idea of everything expanding into itself, is ludicrous and since I do not think that anti-matter inhabits some other universe; this universe goes on forever. Anti matter probably is hidden between the folds of 3d space, perhaps Keely's either is where it hangs its hat.