Seven Cities of Cibola

I raced motorcycles for many years deep out in the Mojave Desert; Red Mountain and Randsberg were my favorite areas to ride. I was a district 36 AA over-the-hill rider and in my 30's I was kicking butt. I had a dream one night out there that I was riding up a sand wash and I noticed something over on the side, so I stopped and found a cave entrance. When I enter the cave it was full of ancient artifacts and I woke up; it was a lucid dream and it happened dozens of times over the last few decades. I had been meaning to go back to that area and search for the cave.

The area is at the South end of the Panamint Range on the west edge of Death Valley. If you go to Google Maps and do a search for Westgard Pass, Inyo County, CA. The local tribe, Utes legen has a underground cities entrance within a mile or two of that spot.

When Cortez came over to rape and plunder the Mayans, he noticed that they neither had smelting nor mining skills. So he asked them where they got all their smelted gold and was told there are seven cities in the southwest deserts of the North American continent. The Spanish fully believed the story and spent hundreds of years searching for these cities, with no success. The most famous was Coronado who a hundred years later went as far as Kansas after landing on the Island now named after him and holding the US Navy base intact. He said they must have been referring to the Pueblos, because that was the only city he could find; from a distance it looked kind of gold! So the Eldorado  was never found. What the Mayans failed to tell him was that the cities were under ground. In fact one of them can be found where the Mayans lived. A place that has been occupied by human so long, that archeologists digging down to find the oldest, have found no bottom yet. Perhaps one of the oldest inhabited places on this planet.

A few years ago I was reading a book called, Hundred-Thousand-Years-Unknown-History. In it I came across a story about a doctor in 1951 who claimed to have found the greatest archeological ruins in the history of mankind, at the south end of the Panamint Range.  He got a group together to re-find the place but was unsuccessful. He disappeared while looking.

Then there is the story in a 1933 copy of the Los Vegas Sun, about two miners who fell through the bottom of a mine, into an underground city and wondered around for day, find gold jewels and mummified bodies of 9 foot humanoids, along with working technology. They too got a group to go back and find the place. They were unsuccesful.

No we come to Death Valley Scotty who built a large Castle and nobody ever found the secret mine he funded it with. But if you go to Death Valley Scotties Castle, which is part of the National Monument now. On the was you will find a picture of Death Valley Scotty with a large rock he brought to build into the castl. He asked his worked to remove it from the truck. But trying as hard as they could they could not move the rock. They went inside to cool off and decide on a new approach on moving the rock. When they returned outside, Scotty had moved the rock all on his own. One wonders if he found levitation technology in that underground city?

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