Thinking in B-Flat

Every student of occultism knows that sound is one of the most formidable of occult powers. Mr. Keely is on the threshold of one of the greatest secrets of the universe; a secret upon which depends the whole mystery of physical forces. When men like Mr. Keely are born, endowed with special mental powers, they become martyrs of their discoveries, or victims of less scrupulous speculations. The discovery of Mr. Keely comes before its proper time. It will never truly take its place in the cyclic evolution of humanity until the threatening tide of capitalistic monopoly shall have ebbed. When such a thing as unjustly paid labor exists and only when the cry of famine ceases to be heard in the world, then the discovery of Mr. Keely ceases to be an anachronism, because then the poor will have more use for it than the rich.
Madam Blavatsky
The Secret Doctrine 1888
Board member of Keely Motorcar Company

As we passed through the town of Lone Pine Gray asked, “I was thinking maybe we should take the back route to Ridgecrest?”
When no one answered I cleared my throat and asked, “Should I turn here on I190?”
Gray quickly replied, “Yes, sorry I was thinking about everything else.”
I looked up and saw a cloudless Mount Whitney, “Wow how beautiful. Humanity has such a hard time making things work and yet you see all this beauty in nature, just happening. Maybe we should take a lesson from nature!”
Gray inquired, “How do you mean?”
I quickly replied, “It is hard to describe. The parts work not because they are trying but because they just fall in place; anything out of place gets discarded. It is kind of a ‘out of chaos order shall always prevail’ kind of theory. What humanity does is kind of like over-throwing a Frisbee; it does not work very well when you try to force it!”
Gray commented, “You know that sounds like Thomas Jefferson’s Laissez-faire.”
Mary sang out a few verses, “Let it be, let it be, singing words of wisdom let it be.”
Laughing I responded, “See John Lennon understood Jefferson. So let me rephrase that. They work because they fall into place, like the vibrating mass we were talking about earlier; they either fall into phase or out of phase and then either bounce or bond.”
Gray snickered and commented, “That is Fuzzy logic!”
I replied, “It may be.” I paused, “I just finished a book by Massaru Emoto.”
Mary asked, “Who is he?”
I sneaked a looked back at her in the rear view mirror as I replied, “He is a Japanese man who has been researching water. He observed that ice crystals form differently during the freezing process, depending upon the sound in their environment. He later fell into disrepute for trying to prove that human thought could purify water.”
Mel commented, “That sounds very similar to Keely.”
I snickered at Mel and asked rhetorically, “Oh, about the water taking on the resonance of its environment; Isn‘t that the core of Harmonics, that the state of one object can affect the state of other objects around it? Like ferrites, a magnetized one will rearrange the atoms of a non-magnetized ferrite, when placed next to it.
Even a Tesla Coil has a field affect! ”
Gray snickered, “Well when you put it that way I believe it is.”
I continued, “Massaru found that playing music when freezing the water, affected the crystals that the water formed; music formed organized crystals and uncontrolled noise formed disorganized crystals. The music was mostly Mozart not rap. In affect the music formed crystals that reflected the noise in their environment.”
Mel interrupted and emoted excitedly, “Keely said b-flat was the most important note. He would play that note before his demonstrations and when asked what he was doing, he would reply, ‘rearranging the atoms in the metal’. Everyone laughed at him.”
Mary asked excitedly, “But how did he make the metal sensitive to the note?”
Mel spoke slowly, “He made the metal sensitive by playing it when casting his metals in a sound proof room. He at first was just trying to hide the noise of himself and then discovered that metals would respond to that note when played after the material has solidified.”
Mary emoted excitedly, “That is really interesting!”
Mel tilted her head and asked, “Why?”
Mary answered wholeheartedly, “Mozart said the same thing about b-flat.”
Mel looked at Mary and emoted, “No kidding. Do you think Mozart and Keely knew something we don’t?”
Mary added, “Mozart had Pianos Sonatas and Symphonies played in b-flat Major.”
Gray interrupted, “Bet you did not know that there is a black hole in the Perseus Cluster, that in emitting a sound; that sound just happens to be in b-flat, though fifty seven octaves below middle c.”
Mary sarcastically conjoined, “That sounds like matter being crunched!”
Mel interrupted, “We tried playing b-flat before our experiments with no results worth mentioning. At first we were looking for change around the material and we did note some differences but nothing significant. Sound resonates with the material and has an effect upon its field. Still we saw no significant change due to b-flat being played, even when done in a sound proof room.
Then your dad had a good idea. Keely said he cast his own metals. He said you needed to use a pure metal that has a good resonance. And when he made a device he made all the parts from the same casting to ensure they shared the same resonance. He had his forge in his basement. He made the environment sound proof and then he invaded the environment with b-flat during the cooling process to ensure the material would respond to that sound.”
Gray grinned, “Very interesting, so that is how John Keely made his room temperature super-conductors. And what were the results?”
Mel answered, “We were testing it when this happened!”
Gray smiling then jested, “You know what sounds interesting about that?”
Mel asked, “What?”
Gray quickly replied, “They did a study of superconductivity at White Sands. They would take the metals down to their superconducting point and then examine their atomic structure. They observed all the atoms in alignment, north to south. And when not superconducting the atoms were in disarray.”
Mel interrupted, “Marcus read that same article and that is where he got his idea. When casting the die if you make the metal familiar with b-flat then later on once the material has hardened, playing b-flat causes it to resonate and thus aligns its structure.
Scientists have been trying to make matter that super-conducts, not realizing it is a state of matter you induce not a material you make.
Physics should add more states to matter than just liquid, solid, vapor and plasma. Definitely a ‘state of alignment’ needs to be added. Maybe even dark matter should be categorized as a different state of matter.”
Mary perked up like she had just heard something important that she did not understand, “Wait a second, can you explain to me what you just said about super-conductivity?”
Gray looked at Mary and asked, “Sure. Let me do so by asking you a question?”
Mary responded, “Shoot.”
Gray continued, “You have two metals side by side. One with all the atoms aligned and the other with the atoms disorganized. One, when electricity goes through it produces lots of heat and loses electrons and it takes a lot longer; the other, loses no electrons produces no heat and is lightning fast. Since we know the electrons go in the South Pole and out the North Pole of an EMF field, in the disorganized metal, the path they traverse is an ill regular zigzag path. The other piece of metal with the atoms aligned, the path taken is straight through. Which piece of metal do you think is slower, loses power and produces lots of heat?”
Mary replied, “The one with the atoms out of alignment of course. I can see that the straight path is shorter than the zigzag path. Also the straight path would incur no collisions on its trip through thus losing no electrons and producing no heat!”
Gray continued, “They only problem is how to make the alignment at room temperature and I think Marcus may have hit upon how to do that.”
I asked, “If in alignment, is there not just one EMF field for them all, when working in conjunction?”
Gray answered, “I am not sure but you might be right, in which case they have to just jump one EMF field, not billions.
Maybe it also proves that when electrons collide with an EMF field they produce heat and friction; or when they change direction they bump into each other causing heat. That is important when it comes to understanding the positioning of electrons around the nucleus of an atom with all its layers of electrons.”
Gray took a deep breath and then continued, “If an EMF field is representative of elements working in conjunction, then what on Earth, or maybe I should say, what in Earth is in alignment, creating its EMF field. It is obviously not in the mantel, it has to be the inner core; where the pressure is so great that the elements are all forced into alignment thus creating the EMF field and gravity.”
I responded, “You do know it has to be a gravity field not waves!”
Gray asked, “How so?”
I spoke excitedly, “When attracting one object to the source of attraction, it loses none of it attractive power beyond that object. Waves could not do that, they would have to return with the object, thus limiting their ability to function beyond the object.”
Gray too a few seconds to think, “You’re probably right, in that things affected by the force do not diminish its force beyond them.”
Gray took some more time thinking, “Maybe we should redo Newton’s algorithm for gravity and instead of using the mass of the entire object, we should use the mass of the inner core since it seems to be what the EMF field is being emitted from. But the algorithm would have to modify the mass by the amount of pressure above the inner core. We might be able to get rid of the Gravitational Constant, that few can agree upon which value it should retain.”
Grey then gently hummed and said, “It is also interesting that an EMF field always seems to accompany a gravity field; an EMF field being a side effect of a gravity field, or the other way around. Maybe the EMF field is the gravity field, but I do not think so, since one extend much father out then the other.
But if all of this is true then we should also be able to make a gravity field by super compressing whatever material the inner core is made from; and I believe it is iron-nickel.”
I looked cross-eyed as I tilted my head and asked, “How could pressure cause alignment?”
Gray snickered, “Good question. My guess is that is has to do with elliptical orbits of certain elements. It may not be the pressure that causes alignment, it may be the intense heat; as in the case of the Sun’s” Gravity field.
Mel tilted her head to the side and asked, “Ok, but how would alignment affect his hydrovacu engine?”
Gray replied questionably, “Maybe it makes a smoother more complete expansion when the compressed water vapor separates. I would imagine high performance gas engines would even benefit from the metals being harmonically tuned; they Blue Print them to match edges perfectly but they do not cast all the pieces from the same material.”
Mel replied, “I would imagine that it would also affect his sonic resonators, if the material is in disarray then any sound emitted would be in disarray. I could also imagine it would have an effect upon electromagnetic waves and may be why superconductors can levitate over magnetic fields. Gravitational Waves entering the material would find no resistance just like with an electrical current; that is until they find their resonance distance, then there they sit.”
Gray commented sheepishly, “So you think sound travels the same path as electrons through the South Pole! That makes sense.
It is a good thing that most metals do not naturally super-conduct; it would be terrible with all metallic things floating about. And it does seem that EMF waves hold
Superconductors at their resonance distance.”
Pausing and then continuing Gray said, “The world is full of sounds and each in its own way influences the physical positioning of many things in its local environment. It is not a stretch of the imagination to conceive that sound influences the alignment of atomic structure.
Super-conductors and magnets have one thing in common, when their state is functioning as a magnet or superconductor, its atomic alignment is north to south. With ferrites, when you put a non-magnetized ferrite next to a magnetized one, the force field of the magnet forces alignment of the non-magnetized ferrite, realigning all it atoms to work in unison north-to-south. So Keely’s idea about sound forcing alignment in material is not farfetched at all, in fact it makes a lot of sense.”
I interrupted and joked, “It sounds to me like Emoto proved sound affects our bodies. Being we are mostly made up of water, instead of listening to music which may affect our moods, maybe we should be listening to a single solid steady sound; maybe b-flat would have more effect than a song.”
Mary noted, “That is what some New Age sounds are!”
Mel punned, “On that note, Keely’s meditation machine is probably attuned to that same frequency; the same note he was teaching people to concentrate upon. Would it be possible that this somehow is emitted out our EMF field?”
Changing the subject Gray asked, “Do you know how Keely described being able to make objects move with little effort; effort that breaks the natural laws of motion!”
Mel replied, “I read what he said and would like to hear your take on it!”
Gray continued, “When all the atomic structure is in alignment all you have to do is affect a change in one atom and all the others will mimic the change. To affect movement all you have to do is confuses one atom by moving the electron closer to its nucleus and the nucleus will move away with the rest of the atoms that are in alignment, following suit.”
I asked, “So little energy moves large mass, interesting!” Then I asked, “Bonded matter marginalizes itself to maintain bonding?”
Gray replied, “Of course, you see it everywhere in nature. “Everything tries to maintain a constant temperature between all its bonded molecules.”
Mary curiously asked, “How does one go about confusing an atom?”
Gray replied, “Changing its atmospheric pressure or temperature. That can be accomplished with harmonics and sound. Somehow he figured out the frequency to confuse electrons and move em closer to their nucleus.”
We were silent while we thought about those words. I asked, “Is that why when a crowd is in unison they become crazed with their purpose for being there; kind of a build-up of the field they have created?”
Gray smiled, “That is an interesting thought.”
I continued, “I could then take that to the next level in personal psychology and say that once all our thoughts are in alignment then the power of our voice is amplified by the unison of our purpose.”
Mary replied, “It seems to me that our being here in this car is unison of purpose and the strength of anyone of us is amplified by the unison of our party.”
I laughed and asked, “Let me ask, if unison of purpose or thought is so powerful why some humans abuse freewill to stay out-of-sync?”
Mary replied, “Maybe we disharmonize ourselves with purposes we see as counterproductive to our good will.” Then thinking a little more she said, “Maybe all the drama in our world is our attempting to settle all these differences and eventually we will all finally fall into harmonic cooperation. That is when humanity starts super-conducting!”
I interrupted, “And when all the really great magic will begin to happen.”
Mary said, “God help us since we seem to be incapable of helping our self.”
I replied, “Maybe in our shortsightedness we perceive some fear provoking thought that drives us in opposition to the purpose of others. We run from experiences that sometimes would be of benefit to us but our vanity blinds growth, from us.”
Gray replied, “It sounds to me that people in a crowd are like molecules aligned, once you move one they will all follow suit.”
Clearing her voice Mary then said, Jesus taught us two lessons on that last day of his life, one was a lesson of forgiveness, you cannot be forgiven if you do not know how to forgive, you have to give as good as you get. You are not forgiven just because you walk this earth and breathe this air; you are not forgiven just because you come to believe in something. Mankind needs forgiving and only mankind can forgive them self for what we do to our self. And until mankind forgives our self, the killing will go on; for it is us killing us and only we can stop us.”
Mary was looking exasperated, “I used to think that vanity was a thing you could not rise above. Jesus on the final day of his life vainly could have changed the outcome but he stuck to his principal and rose above his self.”
Gray commented sarcastically, “Thank you for that interesting perspective Mary. I have never heard it described that way before.”
I interrupted, sticking up for Mary, “Sticking to one’s principal is a harmonic; belief in one’s own action can be felt by others. But it requires right action on the follow through. If you say one thing and do another that is an easy disharmonic to feel in a personality. When you say one thing and do the same, that harmonic is the source of charisma.”

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