Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Identification for a creature of habit is important

Since life has become so complex finding a fitting role model to mimic is important for a new creature that has yet to find it own self. But maybe even more importantly vain creatures are more likely to share their secrets with you if you are lubricating the process by kissing their arse.

Compromise is when nobody get what they want

This is the best that mankind can come up with in regards to problem resolution? No wonder human societies are such hotbeds for criminality; no wonder politicians specialize in deception!
Stage one of hypnosis is achieved when one is listening to your words, this is the world of illusion; when mankind collectively believes something t be true; it has the feeling of truth  or the felling of truth; felling truth to a level that gives someone an advantage, for it is advantage that men crave so deadly. It is hear that the illusion starts to take sway.
It is a matter of perception and of values, that sways men away from truth, for truth is fleeting and relative and tends to want to appease its host as if longevity was on its mind.