Monday, November 9, 2015

Sympathetic Vibrations and Sacred Geometry

States that an element has a surface and that equates to the extent to witch this subtle movement reaches. Beyond that is the space that is pushed out from the movement of this surface, that it is field affect. The size of the field affect of one element is very small but the size of the affect is increased with every element that is working in conjunction with each other; hence large concentrations of elements working in conjunction with each other, or in alignment, create large gravitational fields that decrease as the distance from the object increases; pull is always stronger than the push with this action. Another way to visualize this concept is to take two objects vibrating on the same frequency next to each other; they would be pushing out at the same time and pulling back at the same time, hence they would repulse each other. On the other hand when they are 180 degrees out of synchronization one is pushing out while the other is pulling in, hence they bond. This movement may not be occurring in the 3d mater space in which we inhabit. But since alternative dimensions have to inhabit the same 3d space that we do, just in a different state, they too will be induced by movement within 3d space.

This also involves sacred geometry. Such as the 7 octaves found in the cavitation of the movement we call sound; The octave tones of the  cube of space,
4-3-2-1-0-1-2-3- (seven octaves)
That is a sign wave rotation. You find that in the astrological horoscope, charting energies and the angle that they interact with synergistic affect upon.

With John Keely's center point energy holding it all together. It was this center point energy that Keely said he was trying to tap that can be translated as atomic energy; the secret of the duality of Black Holes and Suns and sub-space travel lies in zero point energy release..