3 6 9

If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe. Nikola Tesla

 Dale Pond has an interesting angle on 3-6-9 with his book Keely's Laws of Being - The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration, Oscillation and Toroids. I will just quote Dale Pond on this, "Many have offered the Tesla quote: "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." Nikola Tesla. But no reference has ever been found (to date) that Tesla ever said this. In my search to find the source of this quote I did encounter many references where Keely spoke about these numbers. As I dug deeper into the Keely literature it became obvious there is something here that needs to be explored and developed. And that is exactly what I did with this new book. Have you ever wondered why the poles of a magnet or electric current are different from each other? What makes one pole different from the other pole? According to Keely poles of a current are effects of subtler forces (scalar), three in number. By identifying and manipulating the proportions of the mix of these causative forces the poles can be mixed or even switch from one to the other - not unlike Russell's "rhythmic balanced interchange" of switching polarities within or as toroidal motions. What would it mean to your research and inventions if you could switch polarities between poles any time you wished?"

The archeological finds are providing the details upon past incarnation of mankind's advanced technology. From the Pyramid that is still functioning like Tesla's wireless solution, still pumping energy into the Ionosphere. Ancient technology still keeping this planet alive long after anyone remembers its real purpose; a power distribution station. Seems it has a stream running under it that drops down on a stone releasing Ions that are pumped out the top of the pyramid, in a reverse pyramid shape up. Maybe this is why our Planet has not been burned off by the solar wind as has happened on Mars.

I have always felt that Astrology was full of scientific information that few noticed and even fewer understood. For instance the reverse rotation of the equinox, when all 12 houses are counted matches the Earth Large Year or large tilt cycle. How could they be aware of that without long term observation or advanced math. But further in Astrology we find a funny coincident, see all aspects of every planet count but only if they are within 2 1/2 degree of the angle that creates a harmonic affect. The angles are 30 60 and 90 degrees, replicated 4 times around the horoscope.  0 degrees is the same as 90 degrees in the last aspect. It is also a full moon as well as an opposition between the moon and the sun and a time when many police departments man up as do some hospitals. Energy pulling us in two directions is probably not the best of times for some.

John Keely, wrote that the vibrations of "thirds, sixths, and ninths, were 
extraordinarily powerful." In fact, he proved the "vibratory antagonistic thirds was thousands of times more forceful in separating hydrogen from oxygen in water than heat." In his "Formula of Aqueous Disintegration" he wrote that, "molecular dissociation or disintegration of both simple and compound elements, whether gaseous or solid, a stream of vibratory antagonistic thirds, sixths, or ninths, on their chord mass will compel progressive subdivisions. In the disintegration of water the instrument is set on thirds, sixths, and ninths, to get the best effects."

He developed 40 laws can be found in a book published in 1894, called Dashed Upon the Rocks.

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