Saturday, May 9, 2015

Light never travels in a straight line

Light never travels in a straight line and it is easy to prove; you do not need an expanding universe nor a curved universe to understand why the light from distant objects has had some of the red light removed.
We travel in 4 directions at any point in time, at a speed of over 700 MPS; we spin counter clockwise, we travel around the sun counterclockwise, we travel around the Milky Way clockwise and we travel in a supe-galatic-spin clockwise. When you shine a lazer at the moon the light takes over a second to get there and in that second the point of origin of the light and the point of destination will have moved over 700 miles from where they were when the light started its journey; so the light has curved in 4 different direction on its journey to the moon.
Light travels in a line of momentum.

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