Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My mother died this morning, she was 96 years old

She was a graduate of UCLA class of 1943.
She was a wonderful person and my best friend.
She was a mathematical engineer and worked her whole career on Guidance Controls systems for Cruise Missiles. She is the one that taught me about all the glaring holes in General Relativity.
She was the one that got me interested in UFO's and did not believe that humans came from this rock. She once told me, "the reason that man is always restless, he wants to return home but that home is not on this rock."
After 9/11 I was out of work for a few years and I got to spend some valuable time with her. We must have played 500 games of Scrabble, she loved that game. She is the one who taught me all the good seven letter words and how to play them on a triple as well as a couple of doubles, for a one word scored of over 225 points. She smiled when I started playing them on her.
She is the one I called every week if I had issues or not, and if I had issues she always had good advice. She started work when I hit the 5th grade; I was such a handful she decided to make us kids, latch key kids, nothing wrong with that; in fact it helped cement a feeling of self dependence to not have mom there dictating our every move.
Hers was a good soul, she was very self examined and could change herself on will.
She proof read my first book. Nobody I know has read more books then she has. She told me that starting at a very early age she had read a book a week for most of her life, I figure that is around 4500 books. Her favorite genre was crime / mystery.
She was born December 19, 1919 and died January 12, 2016.
She loved all her children , grand children, great grand children and husband  very much.
I am already missing her.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

An image of how superconductors function

It is very simple actually. Like magnetized ferrites, they function as superconductors when in alignment and as semiconductors when in disarray. You can see the path in straight through. How do we know that ? because the electron always goes in the south pole and out the north pole.
So its path is shorter and it has no directional changes thus eliminating electron lose due to heat from friction and collision.
Even more important is when all electrons are working as one and they do in alignment, then there is only one EMF field to traverse; creating a superconducting material that levitates on EMF fields.
Sounds will disrupt this alignment so it needs to be in a sound proof environment; like the center of a spinning top. Which makes one wonder if UFO's use this type or propulsion when next to planets.
You can see this when they are trying to ride the EMF field and it varies, causing a jerking movement when they are trying to hover.

Monday, November 16, 2015

A stealth shape that actually works

Square shaped objects are ot perfect in their shape; when you are exactly at a 90 degree angle the shape will reflect radar.

So if you make a concave surface, it will absorb the sound. It is not easy to make an outer hull concave, but not impossible.

 This shape works for sonar also.

 This also brings up the point on why saucers seem to spin quickly. When you use sound to create room temperature super conducting material, it is very sensitive to the sound in its environment; the sound knocks it out of alignment. But it you put that material in the middle of a spinning top, this shields it from the ambient noises of its environment.
It saucers are using Earth's EMF field for propulsion and levitation, they would appear at times to have jerky movements, for the Earth's EMF varies all the time.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Sympathetic Vibrations and Sacred Geometry

States that an element has a surface and that equates to the extent to witch this subtle movement reaches. Beyond that is the space that is pushed out from the movement of this surface, that it is field affect. The size of the field affect of one element is very small but the size of the affect is increased with every element that is working in conjunction with each other; hence large concentrations of elements working in conjunction with each other, or in alignment, create large gravitational fields that decrease as the distance from the object increases; pull is always stronger than the push with this action. Another way to visualize this concept is to take two objects vibrating on the same frequency next to each other; they would be pushing out at the same time and pulling back at the same time, hence they would repulse each other. On the other hand when they are 180 degrees out of synchronization one is pushing out while the other is pulling in, hence they bond. This movement may not be occurring in the 3d mater space in which we inhabit. But since alternative dimensions have to inhabit the same 3d space that we do, just in a different state, they too will be induced by movement within 3d space.

This also involves sacred geometry. Such as the 7 octaves found in the cavitation of the movement we call sound; The octave tones of the  cube of space,
4-3-2-1-0-1-2-3- (seven octaves)
That is a sign wave rotation. You find that in the astrological horoscope, charting energies and the angle that they interact with synergistic affect upon.

With John Keely's center point energy holding it all together. It was this center point energy that Keely said he was trying to tap that can be translated as atomic energy; the secret of the duality of Black Holes and Suns and sub-space travel lies in zero point energy release..

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Funny that physicists have no concept of before things began. no idea to express the total absence of everything.

Funny that physicists have no concept of before things began, no idea to express the total absence of everything. In the Occult it sometimes is referred to as the void; that place that no mind can venture. That place between lives that even hypnotherapists do not have access to.
If there was nothing then how could anything ever begin, is this the god factor; the spark that began it all?

Friday, October 23, 2015

Why does gravity not catch sound

Sound passes through a medium where it can have elements that move in concert, the medium maybe modified by gravity but the sound is not. There is no sound in space for its either does not carry the vibrations of sound.

So that raises the question what does light pass through; traditional physicists will tell you it travels something like subspace, maybe the either that holds antimatter which they will tell you is another dimension to space; LMAO can not see it, never will. There are only 3 dimensions to space and thus object are confined to 3d space as is its vibrations and plasma displays, they just do it in a state of matter that exists apart from ours.

How could light go straight is it has to move from one dimension to another before you can view it, rofl.

If light is passing through a space apart it could not be seen in this space, so the space would have to be embedded within our space, for it to be in both spaces simultaneously.
The speed of light is not absolute, that was proved a few decades ago. It too is dependent upon the medium it passes. So in essence it does pass through 3d space and not some other continuum; it just has no mass and goes extremely fast in certain mediums. If you could stop it, then you could modify it before restarting it; this is one path towards invisibility.

Monday, October 12, 2015

It happens so often it should be a natural law

Things always start slowly and finish with a bang.
A flash flood always starts with a single drop and ends in a deluge.
Atomic bombs start with a simple movement and end in a bang of epic proportions.
Ice ages start with the slow buildup of ice and end in solar activity that melts a 1000 foot sheet of ice over night.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

We have yet in recorded history seen the worst of the solar storms.
They hit with such voracity of the solar storms; the monster of all storms happened a little bit over 12,500 years ago. It was strong enough to melt a 1000 foot thich sheet of ice that lay over most of the northern continenets.
We know the exact year after studying ice cores; they found one where surface started heating, culminating in a 40 degree surface temperature increase. That would have to be one hell of a blast to melt that much ice that quickly, making it look like a flood. The oceans did rise 60 to current levels.
That is a lot of ice and the critics to this would imply no solar storm could melt 1000 foot sheet of ice. I would answer that is because you have not seen one yet of that intensity.
Do you want more proof?
I give Velikowsky and his proof of the catastrophe proof.
Or even the Portland and the Columbia River Gorge, that was carved out in
this time period. It started near Sandpoint Idaho, where the end of the Ice Age melted so quickly that it released a torrent of water all the way to the coast.  The lake is so deep the US Navy still uses it for acoustic research.

Even the pyramids in Mexico and Bosnia were covered with a top still and had vegetation growing on them.

This appears to have happened more than once. Mankind is specially vulnerable to these monster solar storms.

The Derinkuyu underground city  is an ancient multi-level underground city in the Derinkuyu district in Nevşehir Province, Turkey. Extending to a depth of approximately 60 m, it is large enough to have sheltered approximately 20,000 people together with their livestock and food stores. It is the largest excavated underground city in Turkey and is one of several underground complexes found across Cappadocia.
Why build an underground city? It will do you little good from your enemies. They would just have to light things on fire and throw them down the ventilation shafts. No it was build to protect them from something else. Might I suggest monster solar storms.

And so that brings us to the question s to way the Federal Government is making large underground cities.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Since we know EMF and gravity fields

are produced by cooperation of all the parts and since we know the parts all have to be on the same frequency to work in unison, we know that Newton's algorithm for gravity is wrong. It needs to be based upon the core volume, not the rocks entire volume, since only the core can be working in unison. So why is unison so important to gravity and super-conductivity? If you have one object vibrating in one direction, that vibrational sub-space affect is double when two are working in unison; and when billions upon billions are working in unison then the gravity field can stretch light years.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015